Here are the articles you can use for the Defined STEM Project.
Copy of Australian technology aims to make storing radioactive waste safer -- ScienceDaily Copy of Renewed interest in nuclear power generation around the world - AREVA Copy of Global warming heats up a nuclear energy renaissance - CSMonitor Copy of Butterfly molecule may aid quest for nuclear clean-up technology -- ScienceDaily Copy of Australian technology aims to make storing radioactive waste safer -- ScienceDaily Copy of Will a Lame Duck Congress Confront Nuclear Waste_ - The New York Times Copy of Why (or why not) nuclear energy_ - CNN Copy of What to do with mounting nuclear waste_ - StarTribune Copy of What To Do With All The Nuclear Waste _ Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization Copy of UAE weighs options for nuclear waste disposal _ The National Copy of Southeast Asian Nations Look at Nuclear Power - The New York Times Copy of Renewed interest in nuclear power generation around the world - AREVA Copy of Global warming heats up a nuclear energy renaissance - CSMonitor Copy of Butterfly molecule may aid quest for nuclear clean-up technology -- ScienceDaily