Testing Form
From: Johnny Test <jcborlik@gmail.com> Subject: Testing Form Message Body: Testing 1,2,3…
From: Johnny Test <jcborlik@gmail.com> Subject: Testing Form Message Body: Testing 1,2,3…
From: Johnny Test <jcborlik@gmail.com> Subject: Testing Form Message Body: Testing 1,2,3…
Here is a quick video on dimensional analysis using metric conversions as examples. As always let me know […]
Here is the Photo Electron Spectrometer (PES) video. As always let me know if you have any questions. […]
Here is a simulation from Phet regarding density. Don’t go breaking my heart! Click to Run
Click to Run
A good explanation of the basics of mass spec and how we get average atomic masses. [youtube id=”mBT73Pesiog” […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Brandon Garcia Email: Brandon.Garcia@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Brandon Garcia Email: Brandon.Garcia@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
Please get your signed safety sheets to me by Wednesday (8/19/2015). I need them in order for you […]
Get the most out of your calculator! This video will help you get acquainted with all the possibilities […]
You will need to take notes in my class. Here is a paper with the varied styles of […]
Audio Chemistry is a direct read of the chapter summaries from Holt, Rinehart, and Winston’s Chemistry book. These audio […]
Here is an old 5 to a 5 test preparation book. It is still good review because chemistry […]
Hello. Please read and sign these safety sheets for the coming year in Mr. Borlik’s chemistry class. [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B84jrWD0J2pTaHZydTN4a294OFU&export=download” […]
Here are websites I recommend you check out for additional help: The World of Chemistry (Videos) NMSI AP […]
Welcome! I am looking forward to this year in chemistry. We will work hard and have a lot […]