Honors 1st Semester Review Guide
Here is the study guide for the Honors 1st Semester final exam.
Here is the study guide for the Honors 1st Semester final exam.
Here is the the study guide for semester one final exam. Please work the problems for points that […]
Here is a brief video on the natural log rules (that apply to logs also). It may prove […]
A great day was had by all as we celebrated Mole Day. Here are some of the creative […]
The Cerebellum Corporation released a quirky video series in 1997 called the Standard Deviants. Below you will find […]
The video below goes through the three basic mole problems, namely, grams-to-mole, MIAs-to-moles, and liters-to-mole. Since these are […]
See how light knocks electrons off a metal target, and recreate the experiment that spawned the field of […]
Here is an excellent lecture by Professor Stacy from UC Berkeley. It accompanies our hydrogen spectra paper lab […]
Here is a fascinating video on the Tahoma Bridge disaster. It was the frequency, perfectly tuned to the […]
We are entering the quantum world that is a bizarre world indeed. Here is an excellent video on […]
ChemFact: Why Kelvin has no degree sign. The Kelvin temperature scale is sometimes called the absolute temperature scale, […]
Here is the video that covers the 9.11 section in your textbook. This type of material will be […]
We can use Hess’s Law as a mathematical consequence of Enthalpy (dH) being a state function. Here is […]
[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B84jrWD0J2pTYWJMX3AyNDNlMlk/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”Honors Moles.mp4″ icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_video_list.png” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]
A great turnout at Notre Dame College Prep’s first open house! Thank you checking out our school and […]
Here is the video we watched in class to open the new unit. [youtube id=”9FU0C569jI4″ align=”left” mode=”lazyload-lightbox” autoplay=”no”]
A good time was had by all…and a little learning to boot!
Here is a 5 minute overview of dimensional analysis using the ice-cream lab conversions. [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B84jrWD0J2pTRzB6QXpjRnRoSUE/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”Ice Cream […]
Good job on the Periodic Table this year! It looks great!
Here is the powerpoint on the atomic history and atomic structure we went over in class.
The following video illustrates using empirical formulas to help identify substances. A Customs agent stopped a possible felon. […]
Thank you all for participating in the technology survey. I thought you may want to know the results […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Daniel Harrity Email: Danny.harrity@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Daniel Harrity Email: Danny.harrity@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
[mlw_quizmaster quiz=1]
Here are some examples of uncertainty. I believe after learning about uncertainty you will have a greater appreciation […]
Do you prefer an ebook or a textbook? Answer Provided: textbook Correct Answer: textbook Comments Entered: Do you […]
Do you prefer an ebook or a textbook? Answer Provided: textbook Correct Answer: textbook Comments Entered: Do you […]
Here is a second video on PES (or XPS if we are using X-rays or UPS if we […]
Some Tips for Success on the AP Exam! Multiple Choice The AP Chemistry multiple choice portion is […]
From: Johnny Test <jcborlik@gmail.com> Subject: Testing Form Message Body: Testing 1,2,3…
From: Johnny Test <jcborlik@gmail.com> Subject: Testing Form Message Body: Testing 1,2,3…
Here is a quick video on dimensional analysis using metric conversions as examples. As always let me know […]
Here is the Photo Electron Spectrometer (PES) video. As always let me know if you have any questions. […]
Here is a simulation from Phet regarding density. Don’t go breaking my heart! Click to Run
Click to Run
A good explanation of the basics of mass spec and how we get average atomic masses. [youtube id=”mBT73Pesiog” […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Brandon Garcia Email: Brandon.Garcia@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
The following contact message has been sent: Name: Brandon Garcia Email: Brandon.Garcia@nddons.org AP, H or CP?: CP ADDITIONAL […]
Please get your signed safety sheets to me by Wednesday (8/19/2015). I need them in order for you […]
Get the most out of your calculator! This video will help you get acquainted with all the possibilities […]
You will need to take notes in my class. Here is a paper with the varied styles of […]
Audio Chemistry is a direct read of the chapter summaries from Holt, Rinehart, and Winston’s Chemistry book. These audio […]
Here is an old 5 to a 5 test preparation book. It is still good review because chemistry […]
Hello. Please read and sign these safety sheets for the coming year in Mr. Borlik’s chemistry class. [google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B84jrWD0J2pTaHZydTN4a294OFU&export=download” […]
Here are websites I recommend you check out for additional help: The World of Chemistry (Videos) NMSI AP […]
Welcome! I am looking forward to this year in chemistry. We will work hard and have a lot […]